Nov 17, 2024
Seeing Through Spiritual Blindness
This message explores the healing of a blind man by Jesus and the subsequent reactions of the Pharisees, emphasizing the importance of boldly sharing one's faith in Christ. It challenges Christians to overcome fear and hesitation in proclaiming Jesus' name, highlighting the power of personal testimony in evangelism. Pastor Jeff also delves into the concept of spiritual blindness and the transformative power of Christ in opening spiritual eyes.
  • Nov 17, 2024Seeing Through Spiritual Blindness
    Nov 17, 2024
    Seeing Through Spiritual Blindness
    This message explores the healing of a blind man by Jesus and the subsequent reactions of the Pharisees, emphasizing the importance of boldly sharing one's faith in Christ. It challenges Christians to overcome fear and hesitation in proclaiming Jesus' name, highlighting the power of personal testimony in evangelism. Pastor Jeff also delves into the concept of spiritual blindness and the transformative power of Christ in opening spiritual eyes.
  • Nov 10, 2024Understanding God’s Purpose in Our Pain
    Nov 10, 2024
    Understanding God’s Purpose in Our Pain

    This sermon addresses one of the greatest challenges to faith: reconciling God's loving kindness with human suffering. Pastor Jeff explores the theological and practical aspects of suffering, emphasizing that while God may allow suffering, He uses it for His glory and our spiritual growth. He encourages believers to maintain a perspective of faith, curiosity about God's purposes, and obedience even in times of darkness and pain.

  • Oct 27, 2024Living with the Hope of Heavem
    Oct 27, 2024
    Living with the Hope of Heavem

    **Note that for a few minutes of this sermon the audio goes out, but does come back. 

    This sermon explores the Christian understanding of death,  Pastor Jeff distinguishes between physical and spiritual death, highlighting that while all will experience physical death, only those who believe in Christ will avoid spiritual death. He encourages listeners to focus on eternity and allow this perspective to transform how they live their current lives, face challenges, and interact with others.

  • Oct 20, 2024Following the Right Master
    Oct 20, 2024
    Following the Right Master

    This sermon explores the concept of true discipleship and freedom in Christ, emphasizing that mere belief is insufficient without genuine following and obedience. Pastor Jeff  argues that true belief in Jesus leads to abiding in His word, which in turn leads to spiritual freedom. He contrasts this with various forms of bondage that people experience when they make other things their master instead of Christ.

  • Oct 13, 2024Seeing Jesus Lifted Up
    Oct 13, 2024
    Seeing Jesus Lifted Up

    Pastor Jeff explores Jesus' declaration of being the light of the world, emphasizing the spiritual darkness that pervades humanity due to sin. But Jesus offers salvation and truth. In this message we are challenged to see Jesus "lifted up" on the cross as the answer to our personal darkness and sin.