Aug 20, 2024
Judge with Right Judgment
By: Jeff Riley
Series: Gospel of John
We're reminded that true judgment comes not from appearances, but from aligning our hearts with God's will. The passage beautifully illustrates how Jesus challenged the superficial judgments of His time, urging us to look deeper and judge with right discernment. This connects to our own lives, as we often make snap judgments based on appearances or traditions rather than God's principles. We're called to root our judgments in Scripture, seek understanding before passing judgment, and balance compassion with truth. Most importantly, we're urged to examine our own hearts before judging others, a practice that can transform our relationships and spiritual growth.
- Aug 20, 2024Judge with Right Judgment
Aug 20, 2024Judge with Right JudgmentBy: Jeff RileySeries: Gospel of JohnWe're reminded that true judgment comes not from appearances, but from aligning our hearts with God's will. The passage beautifully illustrates how Jesus challenged the superficial judgments of His time, urging us to look deeper and judge with right discernment. This connects to our own lives, as we often make snap judgments based on appearances or traditions rather than God's principles. We're called to root our judgments in Scripture, seek understanding before passing judgment, and balance compassion with truth. Most importantly, we're urged to examine our own hearts before judging others, a practice that can transform our relationships and spiritual growth.
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